How many items are there in skyrim

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GT: Lepakhaunsniper Balance is over powered! Nerf balance! I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. User Info: Locke Phoenixmon2 posted Within the category Skyrim-Items are many subcategories listing nearly every item in the game by function.

If you don't know the exact spelling of a specific item, browsing through one of the categories may help you to find it. Most of these articles provide general information on various types of items, and also include lists of the mundane non-enchanted and widely available varieties of the items.

However, what goes unmentioned is the fact that it also swings a bit slower than its plain counterparts, actually causing it do less damage over time. This one's best picked up before diving into the Hearthfire content, as building the Lakeview Manor house can cause it to disappear. It's absolutely and completely useless.

It seems to ignore the laws of physics, as when dropped, it'll simply float in mid-air. In all likelihood, it's the result of a coding oversight or an outright mistake by a developer that stayed up coding way too late one night. A red one, to be precise. Similar flags can be seen denoting Imperial holdings in the the various homes and castles of Skyrim 's Jarls.

In order to get your hands on it, you'll need to purchase Proudspire Manor in Solitude, which doesn't come cheap.

After that, just have a children's bedroom built onto it, and you'll be able to pluck your prize right off of the map contained therein. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. As it turns out, there's an answer to be had, if the Dragonborn decides to revisit Helgen at some point.

Scattered all over the floor of Helgen's burnt out husk of an inn are these unique bottles of mead, found nowhere else in Skyrim. It looks like Vilod was still making his juniper berry mead after all. Though probably not so much after Alduin had his say. The weapon that is single-handedly responsible for sending countless Dovahkiin on an all expenses paid trip into the stratosphere wasn't meant for players or NPCs other than giants to pick up or interact with.

However, even without the aid of console commands, players can vicariously "own" their own Giant Club by utilizing their followers. A loose one can be found in the giant camp at Tumble Arch Pass, northeast of Whiterun. After locating it, and summarily learning that you can't pick it up yourself, enter your follower's command menu. Hovering over the club will give you the option to have your follower pick up the item. If they're not carrying anything better, they'll even equip it.

Because who doesn't need a big, stinky, and completely inedible burnt cow head to adorn their dining room table? It's the perfect way to simultaneously wow and gross out the guests at your next dinner party. As a bonus, said party will also cost a lot less if they're put off enough by this macabre centerpiece to skip the actual dinner part.

The mail is a heavy piece of armor that gives you the muffle ability otherwise only restricted to footwear as well as poison damage of five points to foes nearby. It also weighs 0, compared to other amulets which carry some weight, no matter how negligible. The Gauldur Amulet could be obtained by completing the Forbidden Legend quest. While the quest takes places in different locations across Skyrim, the three amulet fragments to make the The Gauldur Amulet could be found in the dungeons of Saarthal, Folgunthur, and Geirmund's Hall.

Soul gems in the game are used to trap souls and in turn use them to enchant or re-enchant weapons or armor at the arcane enchanter, though all the soul gems in the game are destroyed after one use. Oghma Infinium is a tome of knowledge you can read which gives you some pretty cool skills and knowledge, and is one of the most powerful items in the game to get your hands on. The best part is that the perk-ups count towards your usual levelling up process. The Dwemer are one of the most fascinating aspects of the Elder Scrolls lore.

An ancient race of beings who were surprisingly more advanced than any other race of the time, they went extinct from Tamriel before the events of Skyrim for unknown reasons. The advanced machinery and structures they built still form a big part of the backdrop of Dwemer quests available in the game.

The pickaxe is a pretty useful item in the game in itself. It also gives you 5 towards smithing, and it can be disenchanted to learn the Notched Pickaxe enchantment. Boots in the game are a pretty normal item, pretty much like real life boots.

With a value of 2 OK maybe not as much like real life as we thought , a normal pair of boots could be enchanted to exhibit whatever properties you want. You can acquire them once you become the Arch-Mage in the College of Winterhold questline. The damage can be stacked up, providing utility over other heavy shields of the same variety.


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