Men 10, Women 13, There are 24, students including 21, undergraduate and 3, graduate students at The University of Texas at El Paso for academic year By attending status, there are 16, full-time and 8, part-time students with gender distribution of 10, male and 13, female students.
The University of Texas at El Paso is offering the distance learning opportunity online degree program and total 21, students have enrolled online program exclusively. The University of Texas at El Paso has a total enrollment of 24, with a gender distribution of It has 17, students aged under 25 and 7, students aged 25 and over out of 24, total students.
Students Age Distribution by Attendance Status. In undergraduate programs, students are younger than 18 and 4 students are older than UTEP has 16, undergraduate students aged under 25 and 4, students aged 25 and over. In graduate schools at UTEP, 1 students are younger than 18 and 17 students are older than It has graduate students aged under 25 and 2, students aged 25 and over. Distance learning, also called online education, is very attractive to students, especially who want to continue education and work in field.
At The University of Texas at El Paso, 21, students are enrolled exclusively in online courses and 2, students are enrolled in some online courses. Texas Residents Other States in U. Outside of U. UTEP is considered middle of the road when it comes to overall diversity. Some aspects of diversity may be stronger than others. Learn more about the faculty at UTEP. More about UTEP faculty. The undergraduate student body is split among 25 states may include Washington D. Click on the map for more detail.
Students from 77 countries are represented at this school, with the majority of the international students coming from Mexico, Kuwait, and India. Learn more about international students at UTEP. A traditional college student is defined as being between the ages of Texas, Serrata said, lags behind the nation in terms of the number of high school students who matriculate immediately after graduation.
The longer students wait to enroll in college after high school, the less likely they are to earn a post-secondary degree, Edens said, adding that UTEP, EPCC and the region's public school districts will continue working together to encourage more high school seniors to pursue higher education.
UTEP's January designation as a Research 1 R1 doctoral university could eventually lead to significant enrollment increases from out-of-state and foreign students.