How much does khan academy make

Children are born ready to learn. Far too many children start school already behind their peers, making it ever harder for them to catch up. The goal of Khan Academy Kids is to close that gap so that every child is ready to start school.

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Donate Login Sign up Search for courses, skills, and videos. Life skills Personal finance Paying for college Introduction: Paying for college. Sal Khan's story: Paying for college.

Overview: Paying for college. Best strategies for funding college. What to do when parents are divorced, and in situations with step-parents, foster care, etc. How do I know if I qualify for need-based aid? Cost of in-state vs out-of-state tuition. Watch out for scholarship displacement!! A message to parents on paying for college. Net Worth Spot. Home Education. Updated November 1, What is Khan Academy's net worth? Related Articles.

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