Is it possible to get rid of bruises

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. What Is a Bruise? How Long Do Bruises Last? The color of the bruise can give you an idea how old it is: When you first get a bruise, it's kind of reddish as the blood appears under the skin. Within 1 or 2 days, the hemoglobin an iron-containing substance that carries oxygen in the blood changes and your bruise turns bluish-purple or even blackish. After 5 to 10 days, the bruise turns greenish or yellowish.

Then, after 10 or 14 days, it turns yellowish-brown or light brown. Finally, after about 2 weeks, your bruise fades away. Who Gets Bruises? Bruising depends on several things, such as: how tough the skin tissue is whether someone has certain diseases or conditions whether a person's taking certain medications Also, blood vessels tend to become fragile as people get older, which is why elderly people tend to bruise more easily.

Take acetaminophen for pain, if needed. When Should I Call the Doctor? Minor bruises are easily treated, but it's probably best to talk to a doctor if: A bruise isn't improving after 2 weeks. For example, if your ankle is bruised, try lying flat on your back with your foot propped up on a few pillows to use gravity to your advantage. However, depending on the body part, this method may not always be possible.

For centuries, a herb called arnica has been used for medicinal purposes, says Marino. In his own practice Marino says his patients have reported that arnica has helped bruising clear up faster. Apply a thin layer of arnica cream or gel to the bruised area. You can purchase this over the counter at drug stores. Massage it over the area up to three times a day, Marino says.

Bruises can be a pain —— literally and figuratively —— but home remedies like applying a cold compress or elevating the wound can help speed up the healing process and get your skin looking clear again. For the best results, try a combination of the five techniques discussed in this article. Marino says it can take up to three weeks for a bruise to fully go away, so be patient as it heals, but these tips should help speed things up. In general, following these recommendations should help the bruise heal quicker," says Marino.

World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Get the Insider App. Click here to learn more. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Women's Health. Primary Care. Mental Health. Homemade ointments can also be used such as natural aloe vera and arnica gel, which have anti-inflammatory properties and facilitate healing, thereby eliminating the purple bruising.

If the bruise causes severe pain or if there is another sign that blood circulation has changed in the region, such as swelling of the affected limb or severe redness, you should also go to the hospital to rule out other more serious problems such as thrombosis. The main causes of bruising are traumas to the affected area, which can occur while practicing sport, due to falling, accidents involving heavy objects or car accidents, for example. However, a bruise may arise due to any number of reasons, such as an injection, when blood is drawn for testing, after the use of suction cups when you use alternative therapies, being very common after aesthetic procedures such as liposuction and cryolipolysis.

Usually these bruises are not severe and disappear on their own, but the use of ice and warm compresses can help eliminate them more quickly. In addition, bruising may also occur as a result of a coagulation disorder, so depending on its extent and severity you should seek medical help because it may indicate severe bleeding.

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