And they are not racing for the pink ladies they are racing for pink slips— which would mean who wins the race would then own their opponent's vehicle! And they are not racing for the pink ladies they are racing for pink slips which would mean whomever wins the race with then own their opponents vehicle! More importantly Danny wants to race to prove a point but he ends up getting hurt and isn't able to so his best friend has to race for him. They basically want to show loe that he's not the best at everything.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Grease quote explanation "Pinkslips ownership papers? Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. Active 7 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 21k times. My son loves Grease and watches it over and over. So I am starting memorizing it all, but there are some phrases I don't understand.
Please explain exactly what this part means it is before the car race between Danny and Leo - Scorpion's leader : Leo: Good, 'cos we're racing for pinks.
Danny: Pinks? Leo: Pinks, you punk! Pink slips! Ownership papers! This is another system of handicapping that requires one car to wait until they see the other car start to move before they are allowed to leave their starting line. Does racing for pink slips mean? What does traded pink slips mean? What are car pink slips? How fast do street racers go? What is OTC pink today? Light vehicle pink slips are valid for six months excluding public passenger vehicles , so you'll need to use the report to renew registration within six months of having your safety check.
Interstate reports are valid for 42 days or less if the state has an earlier validity period. Is racing for pinks? Asked by: Xzavier Eichmann. What is a pink slip bet? Where can I watch pinks all out? What happened Rich Christensen? Does the car fly at end of grease? Where does the race happen in Grease? Why is grease called grease? Can you race on private property? What age is Pink's Son? Why does Pink call herself pink?
When did Pinks All Out come out? What does a pink slip mean for students? How does a pink slip work?