A: The Unemployment Insurance Program processes information as it is received. For example, if the person lists the same employer more than once, a Notice of Claim will be sent out each time it is listed. You may enter the job opening directly on our Job Match System.
You must be registered with New Hampshire Employment Security to post a job opening. The Job Match System brings you direct access to the labor pool. Using the Job Match System you can: view applicant resumes, enter your job openings, and match your openings to qualified applicants based on skill sets. Yes, you may specify items such as: experience level, education level, of referrals, and length of time the job listing remains open.
The job matching system will match applicants with employer job listings using skills, job requirements, or other related data. You will receive a list of qualified applicants. In addition to a list of applicants, the employer receives a letter requesting results. Also, the matching system gives employers the opportunity to view applicant skill sets and the ability to call those applicants that best qualify for the job. You may make changes to your job opening at any time.
No, the administration of these services is funded through your Federal Unemployment Tax. These services are available to all employers to include private employers, nonprofit agencies and the public sector. Each local office is dedicated to providing the employer with one-on-one customer service.
The office assists employers with on-site recruiting, attends job fairs, and conducts Employer Seminars. They also make personal visits to provide technical services, and information on labor market conditions, unemployment compensation and employment and training programs.
In addition, NHES assists employers with mass recruitment when you have a large number of openings to fill. We are available to provide services at your place of business. Or if you need a facility in which to conduct interviews, we can accommodate your requirements with the availability of our conference rooms.
Current information on State and Federal Legislation is presented at an employer seminar. Also, a variety of topics are periodically presented by guest speakers from appropriate agencies covering tax laws, worker's compensation updates, and New Hire Law information. Contact your local office for information on employer seminars in your area. In addition, you may request specific topics to be presented at future seminars. If a lay off becomes necessary, we can provide specialized services for your employees.
These services are free and help your employees with the entire job search process, as well as provide information on unemployment compensation. When necessary, a Rapid Response Team can provide employee briefings at the employer's site. They provide information on the full range of services available free of charge to assist your employees. Businesses submit a plan, reducing work hours of their employees to avert layoff, and the employee receives partial unemployment compensation. Although there is evidence the economy is improving, employers are still struggling to keep their trained workforce in place.
WorkShare can help! They can then recall the employees when business increases. This program provides an alternative to layoffs during a difficult time. Employees keep their jobs and receive unemployment benefits while their hours are reduced rather than eliminated; they stay partially employed instead of becoming unemployed.
Eligible WorkShare participants will receive a percentage of their weekly benefit amount equal to the percentage of the hour reduction. Weekly benefit amounts may be reduced for additional hours worked. Employees maintain their health benefits at their employer. Retirement contributions made by an employer on behalf of the employee can be based on hours worked. Any other fringe benefits may be continued or discontinued at the discretion of the employer and must be addressed in the plan.
When your company has been certified by the U. Department of Labor under the Trade Act program, Trade Adjustment Assistance may be available to help your employees prepare for and obtain suitable employment.
Q What is NH Working? In January , Governor Lynch announced a program to assist employers and employees in New Hampshire. In July , Pathway to Work was added to the New Hampshire Working initiative to assist claimants interested in self-employment assistance. For additional information regarding these programs, contact your Local Office. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a federal program administered by NHES that provides a monetary incentive for employers to hire from certain target groups.
A complete packet of forms and instructions can be obtained by calling the WOTC Coordinator at View or download the WOTC fact sheet.
The Federal Bonding Program assists both employer and job seeker when the qualified job seeker's past creates a barrier to obtaining commercial bonding to gain full-time employment. If a bond is the only thing standing in the way of the job seeker gaining the job, we can help. To apply, employers contact the state Bonding Coordinator at The Return to Work initiative is an opportunity for a trainee to get their foot in the door and learn new skills and an opportunity for an employer to train without the accompanying costs.
The training must be authorized through the Department of Employment Security prior to the beginning of the training. Eligible claimants will continue to collect their unemployment benefits, including those eligible for partial benefits. It's a win-win for both employer and job seekers.
On-the-Job Training under the Trade Act offers a financial incentive to employers to hire and train Trade Adjustment Assistance TAA eligible participants who lost their jobs due to foreign competition.
You, the employer, agree to provide on-the-job training to a TAA eligible participant and the TAA program reimburses you up to 50 percent of the trainee's starting wage for the contract period. NHES works in coordination with the U. This program combines classroom training with on-the-job work experience and results in employment. The New Hampshire new employer tax rate is 2. Each of our local office areas have a Field Agent on staff.
They are experts at helping employers figure out their taxes. They will often come to your place of business to assist. Among assistance a Field Agent can provide to employers: help registering with NHES, filling out forms and doing the calculations. Our Field Agents are very knowledgeable in all aspects of the law and questions you may have about other services. Please contact the office nearest you and ask for the Field Agent.
This applies only to proprietorships and single member LLC's and in some instances partnerships. It does not apply to corporations, as they are by law unique entities without relatives.
Please complete the online registration form. Any questions you may call the Status Unit at You can request a recertification from this department which will certify the amount of wages reported on form C. Known issues Due to essential maintenance some online forms on hants.
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