It might also help you to work out where HMRC or your employer has gone wrong. This is important if you think you have paid too much tax. If you have lost it, do not worry. Your employer is legally required to keep your P60 for 3 years. You can, therefore, ask them for another copy of it. If you need a P60 that goes back more than 3 years, your employer might be able to help you. However, you might need to ask them for a Statement of Earnings.
Please note, your employer is not obliged to give you a copy. Once you have received a copy, please make sure you keep it safe. Keep it in a filing cabinet, in a safe or scan it and keep a copy online. As you can see, a P60 is an important document.
You can save the PDF to your device and print it off. You can use it in the same way as the Form P For example, as proof of income to a third party. An employer who fails to do any of the above can be subject to penalties, prosecution or both. These rules are set out in the Social Welfare Consolidation Act If your employer does not deduct tax from your pay, you should speak with them first.
If this continues, you should contact Revenue. If you think that any of the information in your Employment Detail Summary is wrong, contact your employer or pension provider directly to have it corrected.
You can visit revenue. If you need help, you can also watch a step-by-step video on how to get your Employment Detail Summary for If you have a question about this topic you can contact the Citizens Information Phone Service on 07 Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm. You can also contact your local Citizens Information Centre or Request a call back from an information officer. P60 is a summary of your pay and the tax and the tax deducted during the year and is very important for the completion of your Self Assessment Tax Return.
Your employer should give you a P60 at the end of every tax year tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April the next year. It is very important to keep your P60 safe as you might need it to prove your income if you apply for a loan, a mortgage or to claim back any overpaid tax.