Email: lavarack-manager aafcans. Phone: Cafe 07 Office 07 Email: amberley-manager aafcans. Email: townsvilleraaf. Email: oakey-manager aafcans. AAFCANS is a not-for-profit organisation, our core purpose is to provide Defence members with convenient access to quality food, beverage and retail items and support base welfare.
Any excess funds are disbursed into outlet facility improvements, services and improvements to benefit our Defence force personally and base community.
Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Google. Who We Are. Part of Australian Defence and supporting our Soldiers, Airmen and women since What We Do. Services On Base. Giving Back. Loyalty Offer. Being part of Defence, we put loyalty on a pedestal. We proudly support those who support us! Facility Improvements. Our Menus. We cater for all types of events held on base.
No minimum order and free delivery! Keep up-to-date on special offers, the latest meal deals and exclusive promotions! Online Ordering. Meet Our Board. Our Purpose. Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values. Our Structure. Freedom Of Information. Defence Masterplanning. Details BVN. Awards Brief Elements Working accommodation Centralised training facilities Workshops and Q stores Extensive vehicle shelters Deployment areas and carparking Area fuel and wash facilities Squadron aid post.
Summary Delivery of over 30 buildings across a 1. Consultants Aurecon. Load More.