Who is angus king

Angus King is working with Democrats including Sen. Maine senators join push to prevent military suicide October 24, GMT. Maine senators join new push to preserve U. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, and Sen. Brownfields are typically former industrial sites that suffer from pollution. Maine schools getting help to improve internet access October 3, GMT. Independent Sen. Angus King of Maine and Republican Sen.

Mississippi Sen. Senators eye push to expand broadband in underserved areas August 1, GMT. Angus King of Maine and Democratic Sen. Maine senators join push to help intelligence workers July 21, GMT.

Maine lab gets grant to use mice in cancer research July 1, GMT. Maine senator wants reforms for drug sentencing rules April 4, GMT. Maine Sen. Maine senators join push for tax relief for brewers December 4, GMT. Votes on economic affairs and regulations click to expand. Voted Yea on: "A joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year , and for other purposes.

Voted Nay on: A concurrent resolution establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years through H Con Res Votes on foreign policy and national security issues click to expand.

Voted Yea on: "A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress. The first session of the th Congress enacted into law six out of the 2, introduced bills 0.

Comparatively, the th Congress had 1. In the second session, the th Congress enacted out of 3, introduced bills 4. Comparatively, the th Congress had 7. For more information pertaining to King's voting record in the th Congress, please see the below sections.

On May 22, , the Senate passed HR , which was used as a legislative vehicle for trade legislation with the titles "Trade Act of " and the "Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of ," by a vote of The bill proposed giving the president trade promotion authority TPA.

TPA, also known as fast track authority, allows the president to negotiate trade deals that cannot be amended by Congress. Congress casts a simple up or down vote on a trade agreement, and the legislation only requires a simple majority for approval. The bill also included a statement of trade priorities and provisions for trade adjustment assistance. King was one of two Independents to vote against the bill.

On May 5, , the Senate voted to approve SConRes11 , a congressional budget proposal for fiscal year , by a vote of The non-binding resolution will be used to create 12 appropriations bills to fund the government. The vote marked the first time since that Congress approved a joint budget resolution. Independent senators Angus King and Bernie Sanders joined all 44 Democrats and voted against the resolution.

The bill "authorizes FY appropriations and sets forth policies for Department of Defense DOD programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation. The bill increased military and domestic spending levels and suspended the debt ceiling until March On May 7, , the Senate voted to approve HR - A bill to provide for congressional review and oversight of agreements relating to Iran's nuclear program, and for other purposes, by a vote of The bill required President Barack Obama to submit the details of the nuclear deal with Iran for congressional review.

Congress had 60 days to review the deal and vote to approve, disapprove or take no action on the deal. During the review period, sanctions on Iran could not be lifted. King voted to approve the bill. Hire More Heroes Act of On September 10, , the Senate voted to filibuster the measure to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal by a vote of King voted with 40 Democrats and one Independent against proceeding to the measure of disapproval.

Hire More Heroes Act of follow up votes On September 15, , the Senate voted for a second time to filibuster the measure to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal by a vote of The amendment proposed prohibiting "the President from waiving, suspending, reducing, providing relief from, or otherwise limiting the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran. It became law on June 2, King voted with 30 Democrats and 43 Republicans in favor of the bill.

The bill proposed withholding federal funding from "sanctuary jurisdictions" that violate the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of and other federal immigration laws.

In addition, the bill proposed increasing "penalties for individuals who illegally reenter the United States after being removed" and providing "liability protection for State and local law enforcement who cooperate with Federal law enforcement. The second session of the th Congress enacted into law out of the introduced bills 7 percent.

Comparatively, the th Congress had 4. The nomination was confirmed by the Senate on March 7, , with a vote of 63 - Most Democrats supported the nomination, while Republicans were somewhat divided with roughly one-third supporting the nomination. The nearly 1,page bill reformed and continued various programs of the Department of Agriculture through On January 16, , the Democratic -controlled Senate approved H.

King voted in favor of the bill. During the shutdown in October , the Senate rejected, down party lines, every House-originated bill that stripped the budget of funding for the Affordable Care Act. A deal was reached late on October 16, , just hours before the debt ceiling deadline. The bill to reopen the government, H. Federal employees also received retroactive pay for the shutdown period. The only concession made by Senate Democrats was to require income verification for Obamacare subsidies.

King voted with the Democratic Party for the bill. King decided to place his earnings in an escrow account "and will only accept it if federal employees who work during the shutdown are also ultimately compensated for their work," a spokesman said. King voted for H. The bill passed the Senate on January 31, , with a vote of 64 - The purpose of the bill was to temporarily suspend the debt ceiling and withhold the pay of members of Congress until a budget could be passed.

The vote largely followed party lines with Democrats overwhelmingly supporting it and many Republicans in opposition to the bill. The amendment was rejected by the Senate on June 18, , with a vote of 39 - The purpose of the amendment was to require the completion of miles of fence described in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of before registered provisional immigrant status may be granted.

It would also require miles of fence be completed before the status of registered provisional immigrants may be changed to permanent resident status. The vote followed party lines. King voted for S. The bill was passed by the Senate on February 12, , with a vote of 78 - The purpose of the bill was to combat violence against women, from domestic violence to international trafficking in persons.

All 22 dissenting votes were cast by Republicans. Senate Maine on November 6, Incumbents are bolded and underlined. The results have been certified. Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data?

Contact our sales team. Zak Ringelstein advanced from the Democratic primary for U. Senate Maine on June 12, There were no incumbents in this race.

Eric Brakey advanced from the Republican primary for U. King ran in the election for the U. Senate , representing Maine.

King sought the nomination as an Independent. Health Care. Nov 11, There are no firm numbers on the number of ransoms, nor the total payouts. Nov 9, King is the junior senator from Maine and is an Independent caucusing with the Democrats.

He has served since Jan 3, King is next up for reelection in and serves until Jan 3, I want to urge King to take an action on a bill. Visit Sen.

Angus King Jr. Look for a contact form on Sen. Head over to Sen. If you are having a problem with a government agency, look for a contact link for casework to submit a request for help. Otherwise, look for a phone number on that website to call his office if you have a question. Not all Members of Congress will accept messages from non-constituents. Otherwise, try contacting your own senator:.

You are currently on the website GovTrack. Choose from the options above to find the right way to contact King. Read our Report Card for King.

Each dot is a member of the Senate positioned according to our ideology score left to right and our leadership score leaders are toward the top. The chart is based on the bills King has sponsored and cosponsored from Jan 3, to Nov 4, See full analysis methodology.

Does 5 not sound like a lot? Very few bills are ever enacted — most legislators sponsor only a handful that are signed into law. We consider a bill enacted if one of the following is true: a it is enacted itself, b it has a companion bill in the other chamber as identified by Congress which was enacted, or c if at least about half of its provisions were incorporated into bills that were enacted as determined by an automated text analysis, applicable beginning with bills in the th Congress.

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