He creates mischief and tries his best to make the landowners' lives difficult. He wonders if he is going crazy. Can we judge him for refusing to go with his family to the new place? Toggle navigation Menu. Muley Graves. When the bank evicts his family, Muley refuses to leave his land.
Instead, he lets his wife and children move to California without him and stays behind to live outdoors. When he comes upon Tom at the abandoned Joad farm, he directs the young man to his Uncle John's. Furthermore, what is the importance of Muley in Grapes of Wrath? Muley's primary purpose in Grapes of Wrath is to provide a contrast to the Joad family and to keep the veil up that would otherwise have fallen with the Joads' departure over life in Oklahoma.
Muley is a friend of the Joad family. However, the landowners are so tough and cruel that Muley must hide from them most of the time.
He sleeps in abandoned homes or in secret hiding places by the river or in the fields. He creates mischief and tries his best to make the landowners' lives difficult. The Grapes of Wrath is a movie that centers on the psychological disorder- depression. The factors that made Muley Graves be touched or half-mad were, first, the land that has been meaningful for him and his family was sold to the Shawnee Land and Cattle Company and second was they had to leave their home.
Muley shows connection between a man and his land. What do the faces of the Joad family reveal about them? They have a very business like relationship, they both have very strong emotions towards the family and helping them survive.
This emotion show how burnable Krebs is felling and not caring that is actions is hurting those around. Twain portrays the widow as unpleasant and preachy to make it so the reader sympathizes with Huck as a young boy who needs to get out of This quote expresses how Huckleberry was tired of doing what others thought was best. As the book progresses, Huckleberry gains a deeper understanding of how to take a step back and not think in terms of what society says is true, but what his heart tells him.
Faulkner refuses to accept the naturalists theme that human beings are dominated, controlled, and overwhelmed by their environment and nature. He does not accept the end of man, but rather says that man will prevail. Though many have accepted the easy way out by saying man will simply endure because one can hear his soft, inexhaustible voice even after death, Faulkner also refuses this.
He says man will not only endure, but he shall prevail or triumph over death. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Along the way, Steinbeck adds a variety of minor characters with whom the Joads interact.
Three minor characters who fulfill this role are Muley Graves, Connie Rivers, and the tractor driver. Early in the novel, Steinbeck presents a direct contrast to the Joads, Muley Graves.
The name of this character has a distinct significance. The threat of the faceless farmer to use his gun is materialized in Muley's news that Granpa actually shot out a tractor's headlights. Muley Graves' statement, "Place where folks live is them folks. They ain't whole, out lonely on the road. They ain't alive no more," not only reiterates the plea of the tenant in Chapter 5, it points out the moral deterioration that is a parallel result of economic decline.
Muley physically reinforces Casy's theory of love: All persons are a part of the same spirit, and a refusal to unite together effectively disassociates an individual from the whole.
In contrast to the betrayal of the tractor driver in the last chapter, who will feed his own children while others go hungry, Muley finds that he must share his meal. Muley intuitively realizes this, although he struggles to express it. Ma will recall this line of thinking in Chapter 8 with her willingness to feed strangers. The reappearance of the turtle serves to unify the narrative and intercalary chapters.
Released from the confines of Tom's jacket, it continues in its original southwest direction, the same way the Joads will travel, thus reinforcing its symbolic nature.