Proverbs He takes delight in honesty and dealing fairly with others. Hmmm… what a novel thought in our world, where the end justifies the means in personal, national, and international affairs. My Father takes delight in my attempts to walk in obedience to him, just like I rejoiced in the first steps of my children before they fell down again.
Proverbs God hates lies but delights in those who tell the truth. People whose lives and dealings, as well as speech, are characterized by truth-telling. Are you being a little shady in that business deal? Are you telling the whole truth to the bank when they ask about how you are going to use that equity loan? Do you have a financially addictive hobby that you are not telling your spouse about? At those times, just think how much your Father takes pleasure in you when you simply tell the truth and do the right thing!
Jeremiah God delights in loving-kindness, justice, and righteousness. Rejoice when you see these things evidenced in this world and in your life because you know your Father is very pleased. Matthew ; ; Isa God delights in his Son, Jesus. It is little wonder then that God will use the difficult circumstances in our lives as a whittling tool to cut away things in us that do not resemble Jesus.
Thank you, Dave! This is such and encouragement and thoughts to ponder! Oh how I love this! I pray I will always work toward bringing God delight!!
And to delight in those things as well! Thank you for this great reminder!!! Thank you David!!! That is God is pleased with them or takes pleasure in them. I take pleasure in them! You, too, should seek to please God. Hebrews a says without faith, it is impossible to please Him. First, you must put your faith in Jesus Christ — you must be born again. Then you must learn to walk with God by faith — you must obey Him. God delights in those who live to please Him. Do you? Will you take that decision now?
If you are not born again, you need to give your life to Jesus now. There they will teach you how to grow in the Kingdom of God. I know I am a sinner and I cannot save myself. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross to save me and resurrected the third day. I repent of my sins and confess Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I surrender my life to Jesus now and invite Him into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank You, Jesus, for saving me and making me a child of God.
I believe you have said this prayer from your heart. You will need to join a Bible-believing and Bible-teaching church in your area where they will teach you how to live your new life in Christ Jesus. I pray that you flourish like the palm tree and grow like the cedar of Lebanon.
May you grow into Christ in all things and become all God wants you to be. I will be glad to hear from you. The Lord be with you. I will live an upright life through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to His Word. Help me Holy Spirit to live a life that God will delight in. I encourage you to brainstorm on ways that you can find joy in the God who loves you. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
One of the greatest blessings is to discover the joy of a relationship with the Lord. We can do this by making time for Him in His Word, worshiping with praise music, staying in communication with Him throughout our days, admiring who He is in nature, using creativity to glorify Him, and having a heart of thankfulness.
Just like a marriage relationship, the delight begins with noticing the other. We can have pleasure and joy in Christ when we first recognize that He is with us. Then, we do not keep our thoughts to ourselves but share our gratitude for who He is and what He means to us i.
Think about the characteristics of God that make you smile. What is it about the Lord that gets you excited? How has He been a constant in the good times and the challenging ones? Delighting in the Lord is a verb. This means that we take action to have joy in Christ. Being proactive in our relationship with God is an amazing way to take pleasure in Him!
He made us relational beings and we are made in His image. He too desires the time, discussion, and journey as our Father and Friend. We can miss out on the wonder and beauty of daily walking with our Father, or we can discipline our hearts to seek Him regardless of our feelings and thoughts.
Would you help me to delight in You today? Would you please give me the desire to seek You and to know You more? We might as well tell Him how we feel and ask for His help to find joy in Him.
He is more than capable to provide and our delighting can be a sacrifice of love for Him. There is a woman in Scripture named Hannah. She was unable to have children and prayed fervently about the desire.
Finally, God blessed her with a son named Samuel.