Which parable illustrates the blessings on the merciful

But our Heavenly Father eagerly awaits our return and longs to welcome us in. Mercy is compassion that forbears punishment even when justice demands it. Mercy and grace are similar but not the same. In Christ, neither do we. Every one of us could make lists miles long of the mercies God has given us. Like in the parable, when we are truly repentant, God shows us mercy and welcomes us with open arms.

The Hebrew word for mercy also translates into love. Even when we stray, God loves us and yearns for us to repent so He can extend mercy. Whatever your circumstances, God is with you in the day to day. He will work his purposes out with your best interests In Romans 9—11, Paul returns to the immediate problem the letter is meant to address—the conflict between Jewish and Every resource on our site was made possible through the financial support of people like you.

Explore what Matthew says about the kingdom of God and your work. The lessons in each chapter are great for small group or individual study.

Lessons include scripture references, reflections questions and prayer. What does the Bible have to say about work? This one-of-a-kind Bible resource answers that very question. If you like reading the Theology of Work Bible Commentary free online, you might enjoy it in print! The Theology of Work Bible Commentary is an in-depth Bible study tool put together by a group of biblical scholars, pastors, and workplace Christians to help you discover what the whole Bible--from Genesis to Revelation--says about work.

The most important persons in God's kingdom may seem to be least important in the eyes of the world. What may seem small and weak to the world, God can make great and powerful Matthew Show answer 1. What are they? Show answer 2. Show answer 3. Show answer 4. But the father, catching sight of him while still a long way off, runs to meet him full of compassion or better, "inwardly moved with pity", as the Greek text literally says: Lk 20 , embraces him lovingly and wants everyone to celebrate with him.

The father's mercy is even more apparent when he tenderly reprimands the elder brother for demanding his own rights cf. Mere legalism is surpassed by the father's generous and gratuitous love, which exceeds human justice and calls both brothers to be seated again at the father's table. Forgiveness consists not only in taking back under the paternal roof the son who has left, but also in welcoming him with the joy of restored communion, bringing him from death to life.

This is why "it was fitting to make merry and be glad" ibid. The merciful Father who embraces the prodigal son is the definitive icon of God revealed by Christ. First and foremost he is Father. It is God the Father who extends his arms in blessing and forgiveness, always waiting, never forcing any of his children. His hands support, clasp, give strength and, at the same time, comfort, console and caress.

They are the hands of both a father and a mother. The merciful father in the parable possesses and transcends all the traits of fatherhood and motherhood. In throwing himself on his son's neck, he resembles a mother who caresses her son and surrounds him with her warmth.


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