Hu Jianxue, the former Party secretary of the tourism city Tai'an, Shandong Province, at the foot of the famous Tai-shan Mountain, was told by his feng shui master that he would soon be appointed a vice-premier of the country.
The only problem the master said cryptically was that Hu lacked a "bridge. He changed the route of a national highway so it would pass a reservoir and would require a bridge be built. Hu must have thought this was a master stroke at unblocking his feng shui, but it got him nowhere close to his coveted vice premiership.
His feng shui master apparently failed to warn him about the essential need of being an honest politician. Hu was later convicted of taking huge bribes and was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve. Hu is not at all alone in spending taxpayers' money to fulfill the requirements of fortune-tellers masquerading as feng shui masters. Some reports put the cost of the project as high as 11 million yuan. In early , a side of Laoshou Mountain, located in Fumin county of Yunnan Province, was found to have been painted green, and several reports suggested it was to enhance the feng shui and the view from an office building of the Party committee.
Similar examples have been documented around the country and the pattern seems the same. It almost seems that a lack of cultural awareness led people to take it at face value versus those within that cultural tradition who seemingly use it with the appropriate amounts of appreciation and skepticism.
The definition stated that it involves focused energy that allows one to be in harmony with the environment.
I thought both this definition and your post were interesting because I thought the term was only related to calmness and serenity. Did your research tell you anything about how colors are involved in Feng Shui? While looking up Fen Shui online, I found a lot about how colors are important when decorating and was wondering if you saw anything?
I agree with multiple of the above comments, I think many people can agree they are familiar with the term and have used the expression in their home at some point. I also agree that the pseudoscience definition appears to be a lack of cultural understanding. I completely agree with this—I feel like this topic is interesting because it has been thrown into western culture and used as a placeholder for a meaning that fails to even begin to encapsulate it.
I really like how you kept this blog post respectful and enlightening by keeping the importance of Chinese culture at the forefront, while explaining that it functions as more of a theory of a symbol and not some extraordinary belief. This is a really interesting belief to look into. One obvious mental shortcut in the Feng Shui is the confirmation bias.
Although there is a huge amount of record of the observation in geography and many other subjects, which could be used to prove or against theories in Feng Shui. People still actively use evidence that supports their idea.
In addition, the hindsight bias is also a common behavior in the masters of Feng Shui. When they are hired for making a suggestion about the in-room design to change their current status, masters always knew that their bad luck is bound to happen, and they attribute that to something in the room that breaks the Feng Shui and a change is needed. In most cases, people who do not feel good and have no idea how to change their lives are more likely to find a Feng Shui master for the suggestion.
Why do you think that Americans and other Westerners, I presume are so attracted to the ideas of Feng Shui? Each side of the eight-sided map corresponds to one of the eight areas of life experience: career and journey, knowledge and self-awareness, helpful people and travel, family and health, children and creativity, wealth and prosperity, fame and reputation, and relationships and marriage. By using the compass, the location of each area of life experience can be determined.
Taoist cosmology is structured on five natural elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. In Feng Shui, the balanced blend of all five elements creates a harmonious environment. This is attained by applying the nurturing, controlling, and reducing principles of the five elements. In the nurturing cycle of the elements, fire nurtures earth because after fire burns it creates more earth crust.
Earth nurtures metal because metal ores are mined from deep within the earth. Metal nurtures water because water is contained and carried in metal vessels. Water nurtures fire because adding wooden logs to a fire causes the fire to become bigger.
Balance is also achieved by applying the controlling element, in which fire controls metal by melting it, and metal controls wood by cutting it. Wood, in the form of trees, penetrates the earth and exerts an influence with its roots. Earth controls the flow of water by blocking it with dikes and dams, and water extinguishes fire.
From the north winter comes cold snow and darkness, and its symbolic animal is the black tortoise, which represents long life and endurance. The direction east spring , which is located on the left side of the compass, corresponds to springtime, blue seas, and new growth.
Its symbolic animal is the azure dragon, which represents majesty and magnificence. West autumn corresponds to snowy mountains, and its symbolic animal is the white tiger, which exemplifies bravery and strength. These elements are used for correct arrangement of furniture in rooms.
Mirrors meant to counter sha should reflect it straight back out of the house. In modern times, people all over the world use feng shui rules to decorate their homes. Many feng shui rules are about what items to place near or far away from doors and windows, because chi can enter and leave through those openings.
The easiest way to change feng shui in a room is to add or move one of the five elements, which are water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. All materials can be classified as one of these five types.
According to practitioners, mixing, combining, or subtracting these items can quickly improve the flow of positive chi. Chinese philosophy and religion emphasizing noninterference with the course of natural events. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.
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